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  presented at the XXXVIII-th International Apicultural Congress of APIMONDIA in
Ljubljana, Slovenia


International Apicultural Congress,
23 - 27 September, 2025, Copenhagen,

Invitation to Apimondia members to present national and traditional honey in
The Global Honey Bar
at the Apimondia congress in Copenhagen in September 2025

An interesting initiative where APIMONDIA is involved to further promote and give visibility to the beekeeping sector worldwide.

Apimondia Newsletter | December 2024 | www.apimondia.org

Apimondia Newsletter | November 2024 | www.apimondia.org

BeeLife - Press Release -
New Report on EU Law and Deregulation of GMOs in Europe

Apimondia Newsletter | September 2024 | www.apimondia.org

The Third Issue of the European Beekeeping Association e-Magazine is Now Available!

Invitation and letter to Join the European Beekeeping Association (EBA)
Slovenia, August 24, 2024

European Beekeeping Association (EBA)
Beekeepers' Call to Consumers:
Slovenia, August 1, 2024

The Second Issue of the European Beekeeping Association e-Magazine is Now Available!

Apimondia Newsletter |
July 2024 | www.apimondia.org

First Issue of the European Beekeeping Association e-Magazine is Now Available!

European Beekeeping Association (EBA).
First Brochure

APIMONDIA Video and event | May 2024

Apimondia Newsletter |
January 2024 | www.apimondia.org

Apimondia Newsletter |
November 2023 | www.apimondia.org

World Bee Day 2023
Friday 19 May 2023 |
10.00 - 11.30 CEST

Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO Headquarters,
Rome, Italy

The International Symposium on
Biosecurity in Beekeeping
18 May 2023

14:00-16:00 CEST | Hybrid | Rome, Italy

Apimondia Newsletter |
February 2023 | www.apimondia.org

48th International CHILE
Apicultural Congress 2023,
September 4th - 8th, 2023

BeeLife - PRESS RELEASE - The EU Bill for Pesticide Reduction Target is under threat, and so too the liveable future of this planet.
14 Dec 2022

BeeLife - PRESS RELEASE - 1 million valid signatures to Save Bees and Farmers
Brussels, Belgium, 10 October 2022

Survey to monitor the level of knowledge and awareness on Good Beekeeping Practices, Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance

47th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, August 24-28, 2022, ISTANBUL, TURKEY

6 March 2022
International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations
To: Apimondia Members and beekeepers worldwide

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Stiati ca...

Inteligenta albinelor ii uluieste pe oamenii de stiinta. Cum au fost invatate sa numere si sa recunoasca chipuri umane

Impactul utilizarii insecticidelor neonicotinoide asupra populatiilor de albine,
24 februarie 2022, orele 10.00, in sistem on-line

The "Bee Forage Planting Day 2022" will soon be here.

EU Member States throw sand into the wheels of transparency and meeting pesticide reduction targets by 2030.
Brussels, 2 February 2022

HONEY: healthy or life-threatening food.
When honey can become carcinogenic.

MIEREA DE ALBINE, de la aliment sanatos la unul otravitor.
In ce conditii poate deveni cancerigena.

Recenzie Prof. Dumitru CURCA:
"Dr. Florin Begnescu (1880-1949) personalitate marcanta a medicinii veterinare, deschizator de drumuri pentru apicultura romaneasca - o fila importanta in istoricul albinaritului".

Cercul Farmacistilor din Bucuresti (A.C.F.B.) in parteneriat cu F.I.I.T.E.A.
organizeaza seria 2021 de Cursuri de Terapii complementare

Digital Books:

XXIII International Congress FPO "Apislavia",

Honey Fraud Industry
On-line Conference,
8th November, 2020, www.beeconf.com

"Beekeeping contributes to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals"


"Beekeeping in Belarus"
A special postage stamp "Beekeeping in Belarus" has been issued in Belarus for the XXIII Congress of the Federation of Apiculture Organizations "Apislavia". Interested beekeepers and collectors, send the required number of postage stamps "Beekeeping in Belarus" to E-mail:

Press Release on the Standards of Protection Goals for Risk Assessment of Pesticides to Bees

XXIII International Congress of FPO "APISLAVIA",
September 18-22, 2020, Minsk

Al XII-lea Congres National de Apiterapie,
cu participare internationala,
11-14 octombrie 2019,
Bucuresti, sector 1, Str. Ficusului nr. 42 (I.C.D.A.) 11-12.10.2019 / nr. 40 (F.I.I.T.E.A.) 12 (18:00-20:00)-13.10.2019

Honey Festival
"Sweet days of Tetovo"
North Macedonia,
25 - 26 July 2019

General Assembly of the Balkan Federation of Beekeeping Organizations

Slovenia, Gornja Radgona, 26th August 2018

Quality Standard "Good Beekeeping Practice Guide"

Moscow, RUSSIA,
9-13 September 2018.
Union of beekeepers and beekeeping organizations of the country "BEEKEEPING"

2nd International Marmaris Apitherapy & Apicultural Products Symposium,
14-15 October 2017, Marmaris, Turkey

Al X-lea CONGRES NATIONAL DE APITERAPIE, cu participare internationala,
6-10 octombrie 2017, Sibiu, Romania

Targul Mierii Campina,
24-26 februarie 2017

XXI Apislavia Congress,
15-18 September 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Al VIII-lea Congres de Apiterapie, Expo si Atelier practic cu participare internationala,
IASI, 30 octombrie -
02 noiembrie 2015

Targul de Miere,
1-2 octombrie 2011, Bucuresti

Targul de Miere,
12-13 martie 2011, Bucuresti

Targul de Miere, Bucuresti, 28-30 august 2009

Primul Simpozion National de Apiterapie si Apipunctura,
Bucuresti, 12 iunie 2009

Targ de contractari pentru Apicultura
Bucuresti, 3 aprilie 2009

Hazards of Pesticides to Bees
10th International Symposium
Bucharest, Romania
October 8-10, 2008
Second Announcement

Symposium on General Management and Best Beekeeping Practice
"Beekeeping Simple and Clear"
Bucharest - Romania
September 11-14, 2008

Traditional Holiday of Ukrainian Beekeepers
Savior of the Honey Feast Day
Visit to Kiev, August 17-19, 2007

1st Balkan Countries Beekeeping
Congress and Exhibition
29 March - 1 April 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
"Balkan Beekeeping Honeymoon"


Balkan Federation of Beekeeping Associations




Homepage > News and Events > HONEY: healthy or life-threatening food. When honey can become carcinogenic.


HONEY: healthy or life-threatening food.

When honey can become carcinogenic.

Honey, so appreciated by many as nutritious food, can be life-threatening. A study by the Pro Consumers Association (PCA) has revealed worrying aspects related to the marketing of this product. Read this article and find out how honey can make you sick.

The Pro Consumers Association analyzed the content of 51 jars of various types of honey. The association's experts tested polyflora honey and monoflora honeys: acacia, lime, raspberry, rapeseed, lavender, coriander, chestnut, eucalyptus and sage. The honey jars came from organic food stores and large shopping centers in the counties of Valcea, Ialomita, Constanta, Bistrita Nasaud, Alba, Ilfov, Vaslui, Prahova, Sibiu, Baia Mare. The analysis included both local and imported honey from countries such as Germany, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil and Italy.

The conclusions of the Pro Consumers Association are worrying. According to the PCA experts that analyzed the honey, only four out of ten jars were sealed. Only two out of ten jars contained crystallized honey. Only three out of ten jars contained organic honey. One in 10 jars contained a mixture of honeys from several EU and Non-EU countries. It is worth pointing out that these are only a few of the conclusions.

Honey can be adulterated with caustic soda
Honey can be adulterated not only with natural sweeteners (sugar, invert sugar, glucose syrup, corn syrup, molasses) or artificial ones (saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates), but also with thickening additives (starch, gelatin, bone glue, pectins, gums). Such honey may also contain traces of dye-staff (ammonia caramel), or even worse, substances such as caustic soda, as shown on the association's website!

"Quality honey is the one that crystallizes a few weeks after harvest, while adulterated honey remains fluid. All local honey varieties crystallize between 1 month and 3 months. Unlike the other honeys, acacia honey and manna honey crystallize in 10-14 months after harvest. Crystallization of honey over time is a natural process. In conclusion, we can avoid fakes if we buy crystallized honey. We can buy non-crystallized honey only immediately after it was harvested or if the source is a reliable one, namely no additives such as sugar syrup, molasses or dextrose were added. Adulterated honey does not crystallize! A regular consumption of adulterated honey causes discomfort: headaches, dizziness, bloating, and nausea", says University Lecturer Dr. Costel Stanciu, president of PCA.

How adulterated honey makes you sick
"When honey is adulterated with glycerin, sugar, glucose, dextrose, molasses and starch, it can cause chronic diseases", PCA experts say.

And the list is not short at all: cardiovascular diseases or neurological diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis). Diabetes can also occur due to adulterated honey with flavors, dyes, synthetic sweeteners and preservatives. "I recommend consumers to buy organic honey from stores that sell only products of this type. Organic honey is not heat-processed, so it retains its enzymes and does not contain pesticides and antibiotic residues. The price of such honey is double that of uncertified honey", mentions Dr. Costel Stanciu.

It can also become carcinogenic
Experts say that it is important to consume honey as such, not to heat it because it loses its nutritional and therapeutic properties. Honey becomes toxic if added to tea, milk or other foods with a temperature higher than 40 degrees Celsius! Heated honey contains hydroxymethylfurfural, a carcinogen, according to PCA. Also, do not store honey in PET packaging. "Honey dissolves plastic much faster than water. There are tens of thousands more plastic particles in the PET packed honey than in the PET packed water. Never buy honey in plastic, in fact never buy anything packaged in plastic!", this is the recommendation made by Virgil Virgilsen, a food industry technologist, on the PCA website.

Also, honey should not be stored in metal containers and should be protected from light. The optimal temperature for storing honey varies between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius! "Honey is sensitive to light. Never buy honey from roadside stalls. Whenever you come across such producers who keep their honey packed in plastic, on a stall in the sun, turn your head and pretend there is nobody there!", Virgil Virgilsen underlined.

This research is part of the National Information and Education Campaign: "Let's learn to understand labels!" Through this campaign, the PCA experts aim at teaching consumers to understand a product label so that they can make informed purchases. The research has been conducted by a team of PCA experts, coordinated by University Lecturer Dr. Costel Stanciu.

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