49th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress,
23 - 27 September, 2025, Copenhagen, DENMARK
Invitation to Apimondia members to present national and traditional honey in The Global Honey Bar at the Apimondia congress in Copenhagen in September 2025
CALL FOR SUPPORT FOR DOCUMENTARIES ON BEEKEEPING. An interesting initiative where APIMONDIA is involved to further promote and give visibility to the beekeeping sector worldwide.
Apimondia Newsletter | December 2024 | www.apimondia.org
Apimondia Newsletter | November 2024 | www.apimondia.org
BeeLife - Press Release -
New Report on EU Law and Deregulation of GMOs in Europe
Apimondia Newsletter | September 2024 | www.apimondia.org
The Third Issue of the European Beekeeping Association e-Magazine is Now Available!
Invitation and letter to Join the European Beekeeping Association (EBA)
Slovenia, August 24, 2024
European Beekeeping Association (EBA)
Beekeepers' Call to Consumers: LET'S PUT AN END TO FAKE HONEY TOGETHER!
Slovenia, August 1, 2024
The Second Issue of the European Beekeeping Association e-Magazine is Now Available!
Apimondia Newsletter |
July 2024 | www.apimondia.org
First Issue of the European Beekeeping Association
e-Magazine is Now Available!
European Beekeeping Association (EBA).
First Brochure
APIMONDIA Video and event | May 2024
Apimondia Newsletter |
January 2024 | www.apimondia.org
Apimondia Newsletter |
November 2023 | www.apimondia.org
World Bee Day 2023
Friday 19 May 2023 | 10.00 - 11.30 CEST
Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
The International Symposium on
Biosecurity in Beekeeping
18 May 2023
14:00-16:00 CEST | Hybrid | Rome, Italy
Apimondia Newsletter | February 2023 | www.apimondia.org
APIMONDIA 48th International CHILE Apicultural Congress 2023,
September 4th - 8th, 2023
BeeLife - PRESS RELEASE - The EU Bill for Pesticide Reduction Target is under threat, and so too the liveable future of this planet.
BeeLife - PRESS RELEASE - 1 million valid signatures to Save Bees and Farmers
Brussels, Belgium, 10 October 2022
Survey to monitor the level of knowledge and awareness on Good Beekeeping Practices, Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance

47th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, August 24-28, 2022, ISTANBUL, TURKEY
6 March 2022
International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations
To: Apimondia Members and beekeepers worldwide
Mierea de albine. Stiati ca...
Inteligenta albinelor ii uluieste pe oamenii de stiinta. Cum au fost invatate sa numere si sa recunoasca chipuri umane
MASA ROTUNDA & CONFERINTA PRESA: Impactul utilizarii insecticidelor neonicotinoide asupra populatiilor de albine,
24 februarie 2022, orele 10.00, in sistem on-line
The "Bee Forage Planting Day 2022" will soon be here.
EU Member States throw sand into the wheels of transparency and meeting pesticide reduction targets by 2030.
Brussels, 2 February 2022
HONEY: healthy or life-threatening food.
When honey can become carcinogenic.
MIEREA DE ALBINE, de la aliment sanatos la unul otravitor. In ce conditii poate deveni cancerigena.
Recenzie Prof. Dumitru CURCA:
"Dr. Florin Begnescu (1880-1949) personalitate marcanta a medicinii veterinare, deschizator de drumuri pentru apicultura romaneasca - o fila importanta in istoricul albinaritului".
Cercul Farmacistilor din Bucuresti (A.C.F.B.) in parteneriat cu F.I.I.T.E.A. organizeaza seria 2021 de Cursuri de Terapii complementare
Digital Books: www.fiitea.org/foundation/ books.html

XXIII International Congress FPO "Apislavia", 02.19.2021
Honey Fraud Industry On-line Conference,
8th November, 2020,
FLAGSHIP PUBLICATION: "Beekeeping contributes to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals"

POSTAGE STAMP: "Beekeeping in Belarus"
A special postage stamp "Beekeeping in Belarus" has been issued in Belarus for the XXIII Congress of the Federation of Apiculture Organizations "Apislavia". Interested beekeepers and collectors, send the required number of postage stamps "Beekeeping in Belarus" to E-mail: vkamen@mail.ru

APIMONDIA Press Release on the Standards of Protection Goals for Risk Assessment of Pesticides to Bees
XXIII International Congress of FPO "APISLAVIA",
September 18-22, 2020, Minsk
Al XII-lea Congres National de Apiterapie,
cu participare internationala,
11-14 octombrie 2019,
Bucuresti, sector 1, Str. Ficusului nr. 42 (I.C.D.A.) 11-12.10.2019 / nr. 40 (F.I.I.T.E.A.) 12 (18:00-20:00)-13.10.2019
Honey Festival "Sweet days of Tetovo"
North Macedonia, 25 - 26 July 2019
General Assembly of the Balkan Federation of Beekeeping Organizations
Declaration Slovenia, Gornja Radgona, 26th August 2018
Quality Standard "Good Beekeeping Practice Guide"
Moscow, RUSSIA, 9-13 September 2018.
Union of beekeepers and beekeeping organizations of the country "BEEKEEPING"
2nd International Marmaris Apitherapy & Apicultural Products Symposium,
14-15 October 2017, Marmaris, Turkey
Al X-lea CONGRES NATIONAL DE APITERAPIE, cu participare internationala,
6-10 octombrie 2017, Sibiu, Romania
Targul Mierii Campina, 24-26 februarie 2017
XXI Apislavia Congress, 15-18 September 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Al VIII-lea Congres de Apiterapie, Expo si Atelier practic cu participare internationala, IASI, 30 octombrie - 02 noiembrie 2015
Targul de Miere, 1-2 octombrie 2011, Bucuresti
Targul de Miere, 12-13 martie 2011, Bucuresti
Targul de Miere, Bucuresti, 28-30 august 2009
Primul Simpozion National de Apiterapie si Apipunctura, Bucuresti, 12 iunie 2009
Targ de contractari pentru Apicultura
Bucuresti, 3 aprilie 2009
Hazards of Pesticides to Bees
10th International Symposium
Bucharest, Romania
October 8-10, 2008
Second Announcement
Symposium on General Management and Best Beekeeping Practice
"Beekeeping Simple and Clear"
Bucharest - Romania
September 11-14, 2008
Traditional Holiday of Ukrainian Beekeepers Savior of the Honey Feast Day Visit to Kiev, August 17-19, 2007
1st Balkan Countries Beekeeping
Congress and Exhibition
29 March - 1 April 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
"Balkan Beekeeping Honeymoon"
Homepage >
News and Events > Recenzie Prof. Dumitru CURCA
Recenzie Prof. Dumitru CURCA
Domnul Prof. univ. dr. Dumitru Curca de la Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara din Bucuresti (membru titular al Diviziei de Istoria Stiintei a CRIFST al Academiei Romane) a redactat cu deosebita acuratete stiintifica, in baza unei vaste si complexe documentari, o lucrare de referinta intitulata "Dr. Florin Begnescu (1880-1949) personalitate marcanta a medicinii veterinare, deschizator de drumuri pentru apicultura romanească - o fila importanta in istoricul albinaritului".
Parcurgand cu interes materialul am retinut urmatoarele:
Medicul veterinar Florin Begnescu (1880-1949) a reprezentat una dintre cele mai progresiste figuri ale lumii apicole romanesti de la inceputul secolului XX. Crescut intr-o familie in care apicultura se transformase in pasiune, Florin Begnescu a mostenit dragostea pentru albine de la tatal sau, invaţatorul Remus Begnescu, al carui nume se leaga de oficializarea învatamantului apicol în Romania si de aparitia unuia dintre primele manuale de profil, "Curs de stuparit rational". Bucurandu-se de recunoasterea si increderea apicultorilor din tara, datorita activitătii sustinute in domeniu, Florin Begnescu a reusit sa-i convinga de necesitatea existentei Societatii Nationale de Apicultura din Romania, aceasta fiind înfiintata in anul 1915. Urmatorul pas era cel de a asigura existenta unei publicatii de profil, care sa raspandeasca bunele practici si sa asigure comunicarea intre membrii asociatiei. Astfel, in anul 1916, apare primul număr al Revistei stiintelor veterinare, editata in continuarea Revistei veterinare populare, aflata sub conducerea unui comitet de medici veterinari printre care se numara: Ion Calinescu si medicul Florin Begnescu. Apare apoi, in anul 1925 Revista Romania apicola, organ al Societatii centrale de apicultura din Romania. Ideile sale progresiste nu s-au rezumat numai la domeniul apicol, el abordand si alte specii de animale de renta sau de companie. Ultima sa lucrare, "Abecedarul stuparului", apăruta in 1944, beneficiaza de o ilustratie bogata, Fl. Begnescu punandu-si in valoare si reale calitati de scriitor pentru a deslusi in versuri tainele apiculturii, publicatia fiind apreciata in recenziile aparute in reviste din tara si din strainatate.
Abstract: Veterinarian Florin Begnescu (1880-1949) may be among the most important advances of some Romanian beekeeping world from the beginning of the 20th century. Raised in a family where beekeeping became a passion, Florin Begnescu inherited the love for bees from his father, teacher Remus Begnescu, whose name is related to the officialization of the beekeeping education in Romania and to the emergence of one of the first profile textbooks, "Course of rational rationalization". Enjoying the recognition and trust of the beekeepers in the country, due to the activity supported in the field, Florin Begnescu managed to convince them of the necessity of the existence of the National Beekeeping Society in Romania, which was established in 1915. The next step was to ensure the existence of a profile publication, which would disseminate good practices and ensure communication between the members of the association. Thus, in 1916, the first issue of the Journal of Veterinary Sciences appears, published in continuation of the Popular Veterinary Journal, under the leadership of a committee of veterinary doctors, including: Ion Călinescu and doctor Florin Begnescu. Then appeared, in 1925 Beekeeping Romania Magazine, organ of the Central Beekeeping Society of Romania. His progressive ideas were not limited to the apiculture field, he also addressed other species of rent animals or pets. His latest work "The alphabet of the hive", published in 1944, benefits from a rich illustration, Fl. Begnescu highlighting his real qualities as a writer in order to discern the mysteries of beekeeping, the publication being appreciated in the reviews published in magazines in the country and abroad.
Personal, am apreciat atat structurarea coerenta a materialului cat si iconografia bogata si valoroasa din punct de vedere istoric, astfel ca recomand cu caldura parcurgerea articolului.
Conf. Dr. Farm.pr. Gabriela Vlasceanu
Universitatea Bioterra din Bucuresti